Years from now motherhood will probably look very different, so before the years slip away too quickly, I wanted to capture a taste of what motherhood has been like this year...
This year, motherhood was filled with lots and lots of laundry, bedtime stories every night, prepping lunches over and over, making dinner (usually with a little helper) while chaos ensues in the other room, washing lots and lots of dishes, changing many stinky diapers, often standing there at an utter loss for even knowing where to begin cleaning up the mess in front of me, so many contagious giggles, adventures at the playground, many sleepless nights, lots and lots of morning sickness, sneaking potato chips and ice cream and pickles so I don't have to share, cheering on my oldest at soccer games and running to practices every week, hustling to school (usually frustratingly late), wondering when Starbucks will start offering free refills, melting over my youngest randomly saying "Hey mom, you know what? I love you SO much!", tickle fights and wrestling matches and lots of snuggles, games of chase and hide-and-seek, many tidal waves at bath time and wondering every time how on earth so much water can end up outside the tub, Lego dates with my oldest while I sit in awe at his creativity, many art projects and playdoh creations, hearing "mommy will you play with me?" every time I sit down to do something, breaking up fights and so many time outs and banging my head against the wall wondering if I'm doing anything close to right, wiping tears (both mine and my kids), trying to walk out of the room after saying goodnight for the 50th time only to hear "mommy, will you rock me?" or "mommy, will you lay with me?" and giving in because I know they are only little for a short while and one day won't want to snuggle with me, blowing lots of kisses (my favorite when they see me in the hall at school), lots of me saying "no whining, where is your big boy voice?", wondering how the nights can be so long and the days so short and crying to my hubby some nights out of utter exhaustion that I can't do this any more, being blown away by these tiny humans' ability to love and show random acts kindness and being baffled at how fast they can grow, many thank yous for all the dandelion and clover gifts from my youngest, playing in the rain and picking up sticks and saving rocks, and so many snuggles that somehow seem to better every year from these sweet sweet boys that have made me a momma.
Motherhood is overwhelming and exhausting and exhilarating and frustrating and hilarious and so much fun. I'm sure many of you other mommas can relate to this little glimpse of my current chapter of motherhood, which in the next couple weeks will become all the more adventurous as we add another baby to our crazy beautiful life. Happy Mother's Day! ❤️