A week of no school means homemade fun, lots of movies, ventures in the snow, hot chocolate, and extra snuggles...with a cold or two thrown in just for fun!
The boys had a blast this week making homemade gingerbread play doh (a plan we ran out of time for during the holidays). It smells great and the kids love "cooking" with it and their new kitchen toys from Santa. We've had lots of extra snuggles for movies and extra mommy time as we ride out some not-so-fun colds...but I never mind the extra cuddles! We even ventured out for a brief sledding adventure in the backyard just long enough to lose all feeling in our fingers and toes no matter how many layers we had on! Our day of sledding was really just 30 minutes of prepping and layering before going outside for 15 minutes in the 17 degree cold for 3 times down the small slope in our backyard and 30 minutes of stripping off all those layers and thawing out enough to move our fingers again...but the squeals and giggles from those sweet boys made it totally worth it! Here's to making memories!
We had a big snow storm about this time last year and I was able to get the same picture this year and last year on our vintage wooden sled. I can't believe how much those little faces have changed in just a year!
2017 2018